Buy GMO Free Michigan

buy-gmo-free-michiganAbout the Campaign

No GMO 4 Michigan is dedicated to educating about the importance of buying GMO free and the benefits of buying local. Our campaign, “Buy GMO Free Michigan”, will help consumers find local GMO free products while building relationships between growers, farmers markets, food artisans, retailers, and restaurants in Michigan. We believe that supporting a local GMO free culture is an important step in safeguarding our health, the quality of food, and strengthening of our communities.

Why buy Local GMO Free?

  • Buying local GMO free will improve your health. Eating a well-balanced diet, nutrient rich whole foods, and products free of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are some of the best secrets to staying healthy. Did you also know that when you buy locally, your food is fresher, tastes better, and has higher nutritional value? Most produce has been picked 4-7 days before it arrives at your supermarket, and has most likely traveled many, if not thousands of miles. When purchasing produce from local sources it is usually available within 24 hours after harvest and at peak freshness. Large-scale farms select varieties for their yield and shelf life, unlike smaller local farms that select varieties based on taste, diversity, and nutrition.
  • Eating local GMO free food supports healthy farming practices. Small family farms numbers are declining rapidly and the odds of survival are stacked up against them. Governmental policies favoring commodity markets, large-scale agribusiness, and the introduction of GM seeds are not just problems farmers face they affect individual consumers, communities, and the environment. Reduction in supply and increased cost of safe, fresh, sustainably grown foods is a direct result of the loss of small family farms. Buying from local GMO free farmers will bring good food back for everyone, ensure diversity in our food supply, contribute to rural communities, and keep us in touch with our roots.
  • Buying local GMO free food boosts the local economy. Whom you choose to give your money to grow, cook or serve your food to you has a dramatic effect on the local economy. Research shows that the more dollars spent on local products and services will boost local economic growth; so why not shift a portion of our spending from national chains and large-scale agriculture to independent locally owned-and-operated businesses that support GMO free products.
  • Buying local GMO free is good for the Environment. Large-scale, agribusiness-oriented food suppliers pollute the environment, threaten food security, harm our health, and damage our communities. They are a serious threat to our environment. Buying local will reduce your personal carbon food-print, support sustainable growing practices, and will help to keep our environment safe.

How can you help?

  • Shop with your fork! Whenever possible buy food from local farmers, shop farmers’ markets, join co-ops or community supported agriculture (CSA) programs that are GMO free. Get to know your farmers, verify that they are committed to sustainable growing practices and are GMO free. It is time to vote with our forks!
  • Advocate and Educate! Spread the word, educate and encourage everyone you know to buy local and GMO free. Ask your local supermarkets, restaurants, and wherever else you shop to supply more food from Michigan farmers, local food artisans and local product produced in Michigan.
buy gmo free directory

Whenever possible buy Michigan,
but most importantly, buy GMO free!

Ultimately, buying local GMO free products is an important step in safeguarding our health, the quality of food, and strengthening of our communities. Here you will find a GMO free directory of farmers, restaurants, eateries, shops, and products made in Michigan, grown in Michigan, and loved by Michigan!

Find out how you can become a member.
View the Buy GMO Free Michigan Directory

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Showing 5 reactions

posted about this on Facebook 2014-07-24 18:49:08 -0400
Buy #GMO Free Michigan - list of #GMOFree Michigan Products. #gmofreemichigan @nogmo4michigan
commented 2013-04-17 11:44:28 -0400 · Flag
Where do I find the directory of GMO-Free local farmers?
commented 2013-04-12 20:33:48 -0400 · Flag
Thank YOU Aramenda!!! Looks great!!!!!!
commented 2013-04-12 08:22:01 -0400 · Flag
Cristal – to be added to the directory please fill out the application and take the pledge
commented 2013-04-11 21:09:31 -0400 · Flag
My Greens supplement is Non GMO and I am an independant distributor here in Grand Rapids!

No GMO 4 Michigan
NoGMO4Michigan goal is to provide education to the citizens of Michigan regarding the direct correlation between the food they eat and the possible health related consequences.

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